Monday, November 22, 2010

It begins..

It has been a learning curve at AIM where I have discovered my strengths and weaknesses. I had done those exercises earlier but here I could build my perspective towards these strengths and weaknesses.

The opportunities thrown up by AIM are immense. Specially classmates, who are more open to ideas. it is hard to find such a group outside educational setting, and AIM pedagogy creates the right ecosystem for the same. In the same breath they would openly point out weaknesses and not let a person brag about his strengths.

The HBO and MC classes were the ones I really looked forward to. One, they are qualitative subjects, and two, I could really let my thought s flow unrestrained. My AIM-EI score tells me that I am high on Emotional Literacy. For me, it was just a conformation of what I already knew. I have a family which is sensitive and closely knit. This has helped me stay in touch with my feelings. Have been brought up reading books like Jonathan Livingston Seagull, my first book ever and till date remains one of my favorite books. It was more of a self discovery, which continued as I came into AIM.

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