Monday, November 22, 2010

Baby boomers session..a disconnect, reconnected

During our first exercise of role play, Baby boomers, baby bust and all, I rather kept quite during most class interactions. The reason was that I nothing new to offer and most of the initial sessions, everyone seemed to be in a hurry to make an impression on the professor and get air time. I am being judgmental here, which i recognize as one of my weaknesses. But I also realize that I cannot completely do away with it. Moreover, I realize that it helps me position myself in the beginning and slowly I can change my position depending on my experiences.

Moving on, I felt that we should not have had the exercise the way it was done. We as Indians do not connect much to the world war. Well, it was a historical event but we were still trying to find our feet, fighting for our freedom. I discussed this with my classmates and formed a parallel for myself for a better connect

Depression generation-- Pre independence

Baby Boom--Post independence, Indo pak war, Indo China war

Baby bust, baby boomlet-- I did not differentiate much in the two. The characteristics mentioned for baby bust like video games, computers etc were something we were exposed to only when our generation had been almost ten years old. There was hardly anything to set us apart.

I thought that the concept was very American and could have been customized for the Asian audience.

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